USSVI Creed: "To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation towards greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution."

19 January 2020

First 2020 Meeting

We had our first meeting of the 2020 year at the American Legion Post 316. Base Commander Dave Rifkin kicked off the year in grand style. Jim Sweany received his 55 year Holland Club rocker, Bob Meador received his 5 year Longevity Pin and Owen "Coyote" Carlson received his 20 year Longevity Pin. There was plenty of food and drink brought by the members. After there were tall tales told in the main room with hearty breakfast of Danish pastry and beer. Our next meeting will be February 15th at the Post and the theme is "Foreign Submarine Memorabilia." Hope to see you all then.
   Don't forget February 14th, the day before the meeting is Valentines Day. Remember your sweetheart!

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