USSVI Creed: "To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation towards greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution."

29 October 2022

Torpedo Field Day

The fish sanded and prepped.

                                                                  Paint applied and drying

Dave applying finishing touches

                                                                The working party!

12 October 2022

From; la Repubblica, an Italian Newspaper

Il K-329 Belgorod

è un sottomarino a propulsione nucleare russo, destinato a compiere missioni speciali negli abissi Operativo a 500 metri di profondità, ha una autonomia in immersione di 120 giorni e può ospitare fino a 110 persone 184 metri di lunghezza e largo 15 metri1 Il sottomarino Belgorod può trasportare sotto il ventre il minisommergibile atomico Losharik 1 Il Losharik può arrivare a 2000 metri di profondità resistendo alla pressione. L'equipaggio è composto da 25 specialisti. Con l'uso di droni e robot, il Losharik può spiare e sabotare i cavi di fibra ottica e le condotte di gas sottomarine INFOGRAFICA DI ROBERTO TRINCHIERI Il siluro Poseidonè armato di una testata atomica. Si stima che possa toccare i 100 km l'ora a 1000 metri di profondità. Armato di 6 Poseidon.

Sono mega-siluri di nuova concezione con un propulsore nucleare.

Possono colpire a 10mila km di distanza. Lunghi 24 metri


Il K-329 Belgorod

is a Russian nuclear-powered submarine, intended to perform special missions in the abyss Operational at 500 meters deep, has a diving autonomy of 120 days and can accommodate up to 110 people 184 meters long and 15 meters wide1 The Belgorod submarine can carry the Losharik atomic mini-submarine under its belly 1 The Losharik can reach a depth of 2000 meters by resisting pressure. The crew consists of 25 specialists. With the use of drones and robots, the Losharik can spy on and sabotage fiber optic cables and underwater gas pipelines INFOGRAPHIC BY ROBERTO TRINCHIERI The Poseidon torpedoit is  armed with an atomic warhead. It is estimated that it can reach 100 km per hour at a depth of 1000 meters. Armed with 6 Poseidons. They are newly developed mega-torpedoes with a nuclear thruster.

They can strike 10 thousand km away. 24 meters long

Russia Submarine


The bow of the Soviet submarine K-3 'Leninsky Komsomol' is transported by a platform along the street from the pier to the museum where it will be assembled with the stern and installed as a museum, in the city of Kronstadt, outside St. Petersburg, Russia, Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2022. K-3 'Leninsky Komsomol' (NATO reporting project name "November"), the first nuclear submarine of the Soviet Union, was built in 1957 and based in Soviet Navy's Northern Fleet in Murmansk region. In 1967, while transiting the Norwegian Sea, 39 crew members of K-3 died in bow compartments in the fire.

Dmitri Lovetsky - staff, AP

LCDR Kayla Barron, NASA Astronaut, Submariner


After obtaining a master's degree, Barron was part of the first group of women to become submarine warfare officers. She attended the Navy's nuclear power and submarine officer training program, and was assigned to the Ohio-class submarine USS Maine. While serving on the USS Maine, Barron completed three patrols as a division officer. Following her submarine assignment, Barron was Flag Aide to the Superintendent at the Naval Academy until her selection as an astronaut.[3]